Rigging Accelerators for Affinity by Rob Van Der Galiën

Rigging process in Affinity Photo by Rob van der Galiën:

+ + + + + Rigging accelerator in Affinity + + + + + 

1 open character

2 open template.psd

3 copy RL_Image layer to character layers

4 rename RL_Image to RL_Image-org

5 deselect all

6 macro Rig-create-HuFrSimple *1

7 open RL_Image and move character-layers inside RL_Image

8 reorder layers (see screenshot)

9 rename Hip to Hip_

  (The name cannot be the same as the target-layer-name)

10 rename Head to Head_ (idem)

11  deselect and select RL_Image

12  macro Rig-legs

13  deselect and select RL_Image

14  macro Rig-arms

15  deselect and select Hip_

16  macro Rig-Hip

17  deselect and select Hip

18  macro Rig-Head

19  move RL_Image-org > Hip > Hip(pixel) outside RL_Image-org

20  delete RL_Image-org

And that’s the whole story for a simple human character.

This is the way I record the macro’s:

+ + + + + * Create a macro in Affinity + + + + +

1 Select Menu 'View > Studio > Macro'

2 Click the red button to start

+ + + As an example create RL_Image

  a Click create layer icon

  b Click create group icon

  c Rename the group to RL_Image

+ + + As an example create LThigh

  a deselect all and select the last folder (LFoot)

  b Click create 'layer' icon

  c Click create 'group' icon

  d Select menu 'Arrange > Move Inside'

  e Rename the group to LThigh

3 Click the white stop button to end the recording

4 Click the Save button (+ and 3 little squares)

5 Clean the macro-list button (circle-arrow)

And this is how I use the pipeline form CA$ <-> Affinity Photo:

+ + + + + Character Animator Pipeline with Affinity + + + + +

1 Select in CA4 the character and open the 'Composer'

  - Click the button 'To PSD' and open the program

2 Manipulate in Affinity Photo/Designer the image and export to PSD

3 Select in CA4 the button 'From PSD' and select the file in the file-dialogue

  - Select 'Full Actor' +Ok and 'Update the Character' +Ok


DOWNLOAD PDF Instructions for Affinity > Cartoon Animator 4 Workflow


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